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-Samedi 8 au Lundi 10 Avril 2023 --6_edited.png

Tune in to Spring

- Saturday 8th to Monday 11th of April 2023 -

 Easter weekend sessions or a short retreat

This Easter weekend, to tune in to spring with dedicated Yoga practices. 

Practice twice daily in the manner of a short retreat, there are 6 sessions during this long weekend or pick one or several practices that suit your needs or agenda. 

All calsses are 90mins long, beginners as well as regluar practitionners are welcome to join.

Please note that the number of participants is limited, people taking the 6 sessions will have priority. 

Femme dans les bois qui s'étire les bras vers le ciel, elle a l'air heureuse

Tune in - Renewal

Saturday 8/04 - 10.30 am beach

Spring, the start of a new cycle, the awakening of the sleepy, the birth of the new. Re-connect to this cycle and rediscover your own senses. Open up to what is present in your mind and body. Awaken and feel this new beginning. Get your juices flowing  through breath and movement, figure out what you wish to cultivate.

Femme dans les bois qui s'étire les bras vers le ciel, elle a l'air heureuse


Sunday 9/04 - 5 p.m. Villa Tiki

Yin yoga session.

We tend to forget this, but less is more... Replenish through what is already there.

mains qui tiennent de la terre et un plant de plante qui pousse

Rekindle the flame and cultivate

Saturday 8/04 - 5 p.m. Villa Tiki

Rekindle your inner fire, let go of the old, welcome the new, sow and tend to the seeds you would like to see grow. 

Femme dans les bois qui s'étire les bras vers le ciel, elle a l'air heureuse


Monday 10/04 - 10.30 a.m. Beach

Pranayama and meditation.

Find stillness, reduce all movement, discover your inner silence.

"I think 99% of the time and find nothing. I stop thinking, and the truth comes to me." Albert Einstein

Oiseau perché sur la main d'une personne qui lui tends des graines


Sunday 9/04 - 10.30 a.m. beach

It's no secret, no organism can grow without the right food. Of course plants literally eat through their roots, but their body needs sunlight and air. What/where do you feed from?

Come nourish your body through mouvement and your mind through stillness.

Femme dans les bois qui s'étire les bras vers le ciel, elle a l'air heureuse

Go with the flow

Monday 10/04 - 5 p.m. Villa Tiki


Like water, let yourself be carried, find a path around obstacles without losing sight of the chosen direction. Breathe, move, find the path that suits you.

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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© Carmen Urban

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